5 Dental Tips for a Healthy Halloween

It's the time of the year when little ghosts, goblins, and witches roam out streets looking for sweet treats. To help you take care of your little ones we’ve put together five simple dental tips to make sure these sugar filled treats aren’t the scariest part of this Halloween.
1. Set limits
Have you ever heard the saying a little goes a long way? Whether you control the amount of sweets they pick up from each house, or control the size of the bag they use, it’s a great way to reduce the number of candies and chocolates they will consume.

2. Eat Halloween treats after your mealtime
When you are going to eat candy, get your fix with or shortly after a meal. According to the ADA, saliva production increases during meals. This can help cancel out the acids produced by bacteria in your mouth and rinse away food particles. Eating candy post mealtime will help reduce the residue that causes tooth decay.
3. Avoid hard and stickie candies
Hard and sticky candies are the worst treats. These candies can remain in your mouth for a long amount of time. How long a sugary treat stays in your mouth effects your oral health. The sticker the candy, the longer it will take for your saliva to wash away the sticky residue.

4. Brush twice a day
It's super important to brush your teeth after a sugary snack. Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes to ensure your teeth are taken care of. This will help eliminate the sugar particles from sticking around.
5. Drink more water
It’s always a good idea to drink plenty of water, especially when you are eating sugar. Water can help rinse and dissolve sugar particles that are stuck in nooks in crannies.